Monday, March 2, 2009

You Decided to Dip, and Now You Wanna Trip

For those of you who are NOT Beyonce fans: you may refer to this dish by its alternate name, "Dilly Cottage Cheese Dip" (but you should also note: we're not friends anymore.) 

I remember the first time I ever tasted this dip. Here's how it went down: It was a dark and stormy night. I was in 5th grade. I really, REALLY didn't want to take a shower before I went to bed, so my mom promised me that when I got out of the shower, I could have a special snack. Obviously, that changed everything, and I made a mad dash for the bathroom. To my grave dismay, however, THIS DIP was waiting from me when I got out. Hello, are you crazy?? Cottage cheese? Thanks, mom, but I'm in 5th grade; I'd rather die than stand here in my towel eating cottage cheese. See you.

Anyway, I remembered this creative creation when I was at the store a few days ago. I picked up a tub of cottage cheese (normally, I'm all for the fat-free dairy, but in the case of cottage cheese, I recommend 2%) and a package of fresh dill, and decided I'd experiment when I got home. Lo and behold, all I had to do was combine the herbs and cottage cheese, sprinkle a little s&p and paprika on top, and I finally understood what my mom was thinking when she tried to serve cottage cheese to her 10-year-old. Mmmm, folks.

1 16-oz. container 2% cottage cheese (fat-free is too yucky)
1/2 cup fresh dill, minced
salt & pepper
your favourite spice(s) for a personal touch

Dice up the dill and toss it into the cottage cheese. Season to taste. Dip homemade pita chips, carrot sticks, or slices of your favourite veggie into this fab dip.

UPDATE: this post has been edited, and offensive language has been removed, following a dual scolding by my parents via text & email. guess not much has changed since 5th grade.

1 comment:

  1. you NEED to publish a cookbook, hillary. maybe beyonce will even help fund it with her millions, if each recipe had a name inspired by one of her songs (which i KNOW you could totally do, especially if she let you include destiny's child material). ok, that might be a bit extreme. but this one is hiiii-larious.

    oh and i feel you on the censorship. i called my mom once on a very expensive calling card from norway and she rambled on about my use of inappropriate language in my travel blog for like 5 minutes until i promised to tone it down. anyways, don't worry, you're hilarious even with a PG rating! :D
